Summary and spoilers
There’s that almost all black and white scene that we’ve seen before: a one-eyed pink stuffed toy floats in Walt’s swimming pool; white-suited DEA agents collect samples; two pristine white body bags grace the pool deck. And now, something more: in the distance, twin plumes of dark smoke rising.
Jesse is trying to CPR Jane back to life. Failing, he collapses into mental anguish and tears. Walt receives Jesse’s call, tries to calm him down, and promises to call someone.
Jesse waits outside his apartment. A man shows up, sent by Saul. He cleans up the drugs and the money and coaches Jesse strictly in the simple "I woke up, I found her" story that will be the extent of his knowledge. Donald arrives to pick Jane up for an early rendezvous, sees the paramedics unloading a stretcher, and a gray shadow falls across his face. Inside, he watches with the catatonic sadness of a father as Jane’s body is zippered into a black bag and taken away. Those who were expecting a violent outburst directed at Jesse will be surprised to watch as Donald leaves the apartment quietly and gets ready to arrange funeral services. And, after a time, Donald returns to his work as an air traffic controller to take his mind off Jane’s death. He seems okay, but air traffic controller is not the ideal job to test out your reaction to grief. He freezes up, gets distracted, and two planes collide over Albuquerque.
Saul’s cleaner has discovered Jesse in an abandoned house among meth users. These are the bottom of the barrel users, living in squalor, with only one priority – to get high. Walt goes in to rescue Jesse. Jesse is resistant but soon breaks down in tears. Walt checks Jesse in at Serenity (a relaxation/detox center?) and leaves for his operation.
Walt Jr. (I mean, ‘Flynn’) is excited to see that his website has earned 510 dollars so far from small contributors all across the USA and Canada. Walt manages a ‘thank you’ after being prompted by Skyler. It’s no surprise that the total continues to grow.
Marie arranges for a newspaper story on Walt Jr.’s website success, then she goes one step further and gets a television interview instead. Walt looks particularly uncomfortable going on camera while Walt Jr. talks about what a decent guy his dad is.
The website isn’t the only source of Walt donations. Hank has started a Walt fund at work. Coincidentally, he’s also investigating Kombo’s death, because Kombo was selling that pure blue meth. Hank has discovered that the blue meth has disappeared from New Mexico but is popping up in neighboring states. He thinks Heisenberg is still around.
If Hank could read minds or had a sixth sense about criminals, he’d be doing well. He would have sniffed out Walt long ago. And there are other persons of interest crossing his desk. He meets and gives a tour to three prominent Albuquerque businessmen who are sponsoring this year’s Fun Run. One of them is Gus. Hank doesn’t discover anything about Gus, but Gus sees the donation jar with a picture of Walt’s face above it, and discovers that Hank is Walt’s brother-in-law!
It’s time for Walt’s big risky operation. Skyler and Walt Jr. say their farewells as Walt sits in prep and the drugs start to take effect. Walt slips up and mentions having two cell phones, but perhaps Skyler will let this pass and attribute it to the anesthesia.
When we next see Walt, he has a ‘some time has passed’ goatee and he looks much healthier and way less stressed. At a meeting with Skyler and his doctors, Walt confirms this. The surgeon says he has bought himself some real time. Skyler confirms that Walt is well enough to take care of himself.
Back at home, Skyler tells Walt that she is leaving for the weekend and asks him to move out. When Walt asks why, Skyler emotionally explains how the ‘which phone’ line prompted her to speak to Gretchen and Walt’s mom and to discover some of Walt’s biggest and most blatant lies. Skyler now knows that Walt paid for his hospital bills with 100 thousand dollars that he got from some mysterious source. She is afraid to find out the real story.
After Skyler leaves, Walt sits by the pool, alone. His reverie is interrupted by a boom. In the sky, two planes collide, sending debris hurtling toward the earth, including a pink stuffed toy that splashes into the pool.
This is an interesting episode. It meanders along, simmering quietly, until Skyler confronts Walt with his lies, and then suddenly it feels intense and raw and sickening. I could feel Skyler’s inner turmoil, her love blanketed by her betrayal.
I cannot say enough good things about Aaron Paul’s portrayal as Jesse. I’m embarrassed to say that initially (after a couple of episodes) I thought he was just a one-dimensional obnoxious character. Was I ever wrong. His acting depth and sincerity is now matching or surpassing Bryan Cranston; that’s what makes them such a unique duo.
Likewise, Anna Gunn (Skyler) gets a chance to shine in this episode, and she is extremely effective is bringing her feelings to the forefront.
Memorable Moments
- The squirmy look on Walt’s face as Walt Jr. sings his dad’s praises on camera
Breaking Bad Quotes
"I haven’t given much thought to the programs to be honest, I guess they should be, uh…I don’t know, just, just…use your best judgment. There’s no yellow dress here; it’s all, it’s all black and gray. When’s the last time you saw her ever wearing a yellow dress? What about blue? Blue’s better than black, right? No, no, not dark blue, more like, well, um, super-bright either – I mean, blue is blue. No, no cleavage. Long sleeves. Yeah, it’s nice. It’s nice."
- Donald, picking out a funeral dress
Jesse: I deserve this.
Walt: What?
Jesse: What you said in the desert – I get it – what you meant. I deserve whatever happens.
Reporter: He’s a good man, isn’t he?
Walt Jr.: Absolutely. Ask anyone…anybody. He’s a great father, a great teacher. He knows like everything there is no know about chemistry. He’s patient with you. He’s always there for you. He’s – he’s just decent! And he always does the right thing. And that’s how he teaches me to be.
Reporter: Would you say he’s your hero?
Walt Jr.: Oh yeah, Yes, ma'am. Totally. My dad is my hero.
Skyler: Where’s your phone?
Walt: Hmm?
Skyler: Your cell phone, you bring it?
Walt: Which one?
Skyler: I want you gone by Monday morning, I want…I want you gone.
Walt: Okay, can you at least tell me why?
Skyler: Because you’re a liar, Walt.
"But then it got me thinking again about all the strange behavior, not the least of which was the disappearance. Out of my mind with worry. Calling hospitals, checking the morgue. Your fugue state? I had to believe that, didn’t I? I had to find a way. I mean – who would lie about such a thing?"
- Skyler
"Over a hundred thousand dollars…out of where? Out of thin air?"
- Skyler
Walt: If I tell you the truth, will you stay? Stay and I will tell you everything.
Skyler: Whatever it is, I’m afraid to know.