Summary and spoilers
In the 1930s, the Hollywood movie industry self-imposed a strict censorship ‘Code’ as a way of avoiding outside censorship. Among many other rules, the Hollywood Code insisted that if a movie character did something immoral or against the law, that they would be punished for that transgression. This episode of Breaking Bad sees a revised version of the Code being applied to Walt and Jesse. They've done some bad things, and now its time for them to receive their punishment.
Jesse’s punishment is multi-staged and severe. His parents made an unannounced visit to his aunt’s house while he was out, and saw his meth lab in the basement. They instigate swift eviction proceedings; Jesse must be out in three days. Jesse calls Walt, trying to get half of the remaining money, but Walt is not interested in helping him and feels the remaining money is not to be shared. Jesse turns to his other friends, but they are either unwilling or unable to help. Things keep spiraling down; Jesse’s motorbike is stolen. With nowhere to turn, he breaks into the gated yard where his brother-in-law is keeping the RV, but he falls into a chemical toilet en route. Undetected, he gets in the RV and crashes on the floor, wearing a gas mask to cope with the residual meth chemicals and his own stench. In the morning, Jesse brother-in-law kicks him out at gunpoint, planning to sell the RV and the equipment inside. Jesse breaks back in and steals the RV.
Walt’s punishment is more subtle but in some ways even more severe. Walt has made it clear to Jesse that they cannot cook until Walt has mended bridges at home. He thinks he can accomplish this by doing thoughtful things like making breakfast and finding writing courses for Skyler. Walt continues to come up with supposedly logical reasons why Skyler thought she heard a second cell phone ring that fateful bath night. Skyler sees through Walt’s lies completely and begins her own campaign of escape and mental pressure, leaving the house unannounced and for long periods of time, while refusing to tell Walt where she is going. Eventually, Walt asks to speak to Skyler. He begins with another vague apology, but this time it isn’t enough. Skyler’s anger and frustration explode, and she demands to know what is going on. But Walt cannot tell her, and again feigns innocence. Skyler sees through it easily, and again she leaves.
As Skyler drives away, Walt is appalled to see that the RV is parked outside the house. Walt knocks on the RV door, enters, and confronts Jesse. There is a shouted argument as Jesse again demands the money and Walt berates him mercilessly, calling him a drug addict and idiot. Jesse finally snaps, and a vicious and brief fight ensues, with Jesse ending up on top, choking Walt and ready to beat him. Jesse suddenly rolls off. The two reach a truce and enter Walt’s house. Walt gives Jesse about half the money and then offers to make him breakfast.
In the end, we learn (although Walt does not) that Skyler really isn’t doing much on her outings – just staying away and perhaps smoking the occasional cigarette.
Do not take it on face value that Walt offering to make breakfast for Jesse means that his attitude toward him has changed. Remember, Walt also made lovely sandwiches for Krazy 8, and even cut the crusts off the bread, right up until the time he killed him.
This episode was directed byJohn Dahl, whose impressive credits include the films Red Rock West (1992) and Rounders (1998), and numerous episodes of television shows, including Battlestar Galactica, Californication, and Dexter.
It certainly was lucky for Jesse that the keys were in the RV, making it easy to steal. This is stretching credibility just a little.
Memorable Moments
- Skyler’s long period of quiet non-confrontation, culminating in her explosion of anger and frustration
Breaking Bad Quotes
Jesse’s Mom: You have two sets of keys, and the padlock to the garage. Leave them on the kitchen counter when you leave.
Jesse: No, mom, mom, mom! Where am I supposed to go?
Jesse’s Mom: I don’t know, sweetheart, but please: turn your life around.
Jesse: Yeah, yeah, this is gonna help big time with that. Bitch!
Walt Jr.: Morning.
Walt: Oh, yeah…morning.
Walt Jr.: Where – where did mom go?
Walt: Out.
Skyler: Okay, so talk, Walt! Shut up and say something that isn’t complete bullshit! You want to know what you have to do? You have to tell me what’s really going on, right now - today. No more excuses. No more apologies. No more of these obvious, desperate breakfasts! You don’t want to lose contact with me, Walt? Good. Then tell me…now!
Walt: Tell you what?
Jesse: Yo, I’m really sorry, okay?
Walt: What is wrong with you? Why are you blue?
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