Summary and spoilers
Walt and Jesse have some cleaning up to do. They get the RV out of the ditch with the help of a tractor-driving native american, who gets a few wads of questionable money in return. They have a plan to clean up the dead bodies in the RV, but there is a little complication: the sound of groaning from one of the bodies. The RV is parked at Jesse’s house when Krazy-8 (one of the knocked out guys) escapes, but Walt arrives after school just in time to recapture him.
Meanwhile, Skyler has taken advantage of a call at home from Jesse to Walt to redial Jesse and find out his website from his voice message. She now knows that he is a drug and MILF lover, although she does not yet know what a MILF is or even that she is one.
Jesse and Walt spent a lot of time bickering over how to take care of the live and dead bodies. Eventually, a coin flip means Jesse gets to dispose of the dead one (by dissolving it using acid) while Walt grapples with what to do about the barely alive Krazy-8 in the basement. Faced with the fact that Krazy is getting better and not worse, Walt gives him food, drink, and toiletry items and puts off the problem for another day.
Walt rushes off to be there at Skyler’s ultrasound – the new baby inside her is a healthy girl. Skyler confronts Walt about Jesse, and Walt makes up the story that Jesse is his pot supplier. Skyler visits Jesse and tells him not to sell pot to Walt anymore. Jesse is barely clever enough, but plays along.
Jesse has begun the arduous task of disposing of the other body; to strengthen his will, he fortifies himself with a bit of crystal meth. He thinks he’s clever to use the bathtub, but when the tub and floor underneath it dissolve, he find there was a good reason why Walt told him to get a special plastic container to use instead.
This episode doesn’t carry the emotional impact of the opening pilot episode. Instead, for the most part, it feels a little more in the Dumb and Dumber direction. But it redeems itself by spending some time focusing on the cleverness of Skyler and the relationship between she and Walt.
I’m no expert on acid, but it would seem that if you poured two relatively small containers of it in a bathtub with a body in it, it would either eat through the rubber plug/stopper and dissolve the pipes, and /or make a much smaller hole through to the floor and still leave much of the body undissolved, rather than a huge hole and a total dissolving of the bathtub as what happens here.
When the acid eats through the second floor bathtub, it leaks down through the ceiling and into the first floor hallway. Does this seem like an unusual house design – to have an upstairs bathtub over an interior hallway? Usually, plumbing is situated in line with other plumbing or with kitchen pipes, along an exterior wall, especially, you would think, in an older style house like this.
Memorable Moments
- Walt sliding and rolling a quick succession of various food, drink, and toiletry items across the floor to Krazy-8.
Quotable Quotes
"MILFs…what the hell is a MILF?"
- Skyler, checking out Jesse’s website
Jesse: And why’d you go and tell her I was selling you weed?
Walt: Because somehow it seemed preferable to admitting I cook crystal meth and killed a man.
"I'm sorry, what were you asking me? Oh, yes, that stupid plastic container I asked you to buy. You see, hydrofluoric acid won't eat through plastic, it will however dissolve metal, rock, glass, ceramic. So there's that."
- Walt
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