Summary and Spoilers
Jesse has shot Gale dead. Victor easily captures the catatonic Jesse and brings him to the lab at gunpoint. Now they all wait for Gus to arrive and pass judgment.
Meanwhile, Marie has dropped in to thank Skyler for paying all those bills and to drop off a few newer, bigger ones. She notices Walt’s car parked in the driveway and expresses how happy she is that Skyler and Walt are back together – that is, if they really are back together. Skyler doesn’t volunteer any information, and immediately after, she parks Walt’s car a few blocks away so Walt Jr. does not see it and start asking questions.
Skyler calls Saul to try to get some information, but he is less than useless. He assures her Walt is okay, although he has no information, and after she hangs up he goes back to worrying about whether or not his office is bugged.
Skyler convinces a locksmith to pick the lock on Walter’s unit, but it takes a full-on Oscar-worthy performance to do so. Inside, she finds nothing that has any meaning to her – just a glass eye.
Hank doesn’t want to talk about his PE session. The PE may be encouraged, but Hank isn’t that thrilled that he walked 16 feet in 20 minutes.
Victor starts cooking, saying Walt is not needed, and he seems to be doing a pretty good job. Then Gus arrives. While Gus slowly, and without a word, dons full protective gear and brandishes neon blue box cutters, Walt makes one more impassioned desperate plea for his life and Jesse’s. Of course, we know where this is leading. Victor was sighted at Gale’s. Mike would have told Gus this. Gus kills Victor right in front of Walt, Jesse, and Mike. This is a lesson for them all, and the first sign that Gus is not just a godfather order giver. He is also a ruthless killer if required. He then gets back into his street clothes and ascends the stairs. Just before leaving, Gus says his first, last, and only words: "Well…get back to work."
Walt and Jesse’s first job is to dispose of the body, using their old favorite – hydrofluoric acid.
Later, Jesse eats a big breakfast and Walt sips a coffee. You would think Jesse would be distraught after his last 24 hours, but he eats big and talks big. He’s gone over the edge and seems bothered by none of what has happened.
Walt returns to Skyler’s house to find his car gone. Skyler points him in the right direction.
Finally, we see a quick view of Gale’s apartment as investigators pore over it. On the coffee table is a book titled ‘Lab Notes.’
Ah…finally it is back. I waited so long. And it is still good – and very shocking to reacquaint myself with this violence after a long time.
Memorable Moments
Gus’s quiet and horrific scene.
Breaking Bad Quotes
"Alright, let's talk about Gale Boetticher. He was a good man and a good chemist. He didn't deserve what happened to him. He didn't deserve it at all. But I'd shoot him again and tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. When you make it Gale versus me, or Gale versus Jesse, Gale loses! Simple as that. This is on you, Gus, not me, not Jesse. I mean really, what'd you expect me to do? Just simply roll over and allow you to murder us? That I wouldn't take measures - extreme measures - to defend myself? Wrong! Think again."
- Walt
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