Summary and Spoilers
Gus visits the wheelchair-bound, mute Hector in a nursing home to fill him in on why his nephews are dead – blood for blood.
Walt is having his scheduled scan. A young man undergoing the same test tries to have a friendly discussion, but Walt refuses to play the victim role with him. You can see now how Walt has staved off cancer – he refuses to give in and give up control. Later, he shares his happy scan results with his family and with Hank and Marie.
Gus is called in for questioning by Hank and gang. He is so cool and completely fools everyone but Hank – who believes he has found his man, and, after Gus leaves, wonders aloud why the suspect didn’t come forward sooner to tell them that he had seen Gale just before he died.
Saul drops off a big envelope of money to Jesse’s ‘girlfriend’ while Jesse waits in the car.
Skyler has combined cash bills with old clothes in vacuum-packed bags – lots of vacuum-packed bags.
Hank asks Walt to drive him to a ‘rock’ exhibit, but it is false pretenses – he needs Walt to stick a tracking device on Gus’s car. Walt doesn’t do it on the way in, but instead tells Gus that he did not place the device. Meanwhile, Mike sits in the car, watching the whole thing. Gus tells him quietly to plant the device. Later, Gus removes it and dumps it in a bin.
Back at the lab, Walt’s soliloquy to the video camera in the lab states that Hank is working alone, and he begs to Hank to be spared.
Gus and Mike are concerned about Hank being around when the Chilean drug war starts.
Walt visits Jesse to try to pressure him into killing Gus. Jesse staves him off. While Jesse is in the toilet, his phone registers a text. Walt reads that Jesse’s scheduled meeting with the boss has been cancelled.
We flashback to a young Gus and his meth-making partner. Hector is there, too – he is the flashy henchman who kills Gus’s partner just to make a point. You can see why Gus hates Hector.
Breaking Bad Quotes
Gary: It's like what they say: man plans and God laughs.
Walter: That is such bullshit.
Gary: Excuse me?
Walter: Never give up control. Live life on your own terms.
Gary: Yeah, no, I get what you're saying, but, uh, cancer is cancer.
Walter: To hell with your cancer. I've been living with cancer for the better part of a year. Right from the start, it's a death sentence. That's what they keep telling me. Well, guess what? Every life comes with a death sentence, so every few months I come in here for my regular scan, knowing full well that one of these times - hell, maybe even today - I'm gonna hear some bad news. But until then, who's in charge? Me. That's how I live my life.
"I can give you the highlights. Your nephews grew impatient. They continued to press me for my permission to kill Walter White. When I wouldn't give it, they settled instead for DEA agent Schraeder. But a phone call was placed to Agent Schraeder moments before the attack, thus giving him the upper hand. Marco, shot in the face and died instantly. Leonel lingered for several hours. The warning call to the DEA agent, Juan Bolsa may have some insight into who placed it, for yesterday the federales raided his hacienda, and in the confusion, Juan was shot dead. An accident, perhaps. A mistake made by his own men. But we may never know. At any rate, I thought you should hear it from me. [Gus pats a furious Hector on the leg and stands up to leave] This is what comes of blood for blood, Hector. Sangre por sangre."
- Gus
"Look at me, Hector. Look…at…me! [pause] Maybe next time."
- Gus
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