Summary and Spoilers
With Gus poisoned and Mike shot, it’s up to Jesse to save their lives. He drives them to what must have been a preordained makeshift hospital. The doctors grab Gus and begin treating him immediately, but they ignore Mike, despite Jesse’s shouted pleas.
Back at the lab, Walt asks his observer to let the chain of command know that he will be driving Hank out to spy on the lab soon. Sure enough, soon he and Hank are on stakeout. Hank tries to get Walt to talk about his facial markings, but Walt says he doesn’t want to talk to Hank or anyone else.
Gus is up and about, so it is time to leave. Mike cannot travel and is left behind to heal. Once again, Gus asks Jesse if he is ready to cook by himself. But Jesse knows if he says yes, Walt will be killed.
Skyler meets with Ted. Skyler has told Ted about Walt’s gambling, and has asked Ted to help her out. Ted has decided to give the money back. He doesn’t seem to understand that if Ted does not pay, the tax department will track her down and discover her fund source. Skyler is dead serious and tries to intimidate Ted, but he does not go for it. She is on the verge of losing it.
Gus is back to visit Hector, but this time, he provokes the man to a new level by dangling Don Eladio’s medallion in his face, while explaining how all of the Don’s men are dead. He even presents Jesse as the man who killed the last living Salamanca. Still, Hector will not look at him.
Walt and Hank are back on the road, but Hank now wants to check out an industrial laundry (that just happens to be the place where Walt’s lab is located). Hank has not only pieced together the parent company that owns the laundry and manufactures an air filtration system that was purchased by Gale Boetticher. Rather than spy on the lab, Walt stages an impromptu car accident. Now Hank’s neck is in a brace, just to add to all his other problems. But Walt’s ploy is only a short stay of execution; Hank has ordered a car with hand controls, and he should have it in a week.
Skyler has hired a couple of Saul’s goons to (a) make Ted write a check, and then (b) stay with him until the check arrives at the IRS and it clears. Ted signs, then tries to make a getaway, but he trips on his own rug and slams his head into the breakfast nook.
Walt has discovered that Jesse cooked while Walt was out of commission. He visits Jesse to ask for his help, but Jesse turns him away violently. While Walt is still digesting that, two of Gus’s henchmen Taser him and bring him into the desert for a hooded meeting with Gus. Gus fires him and tells him to stay away from the laundry and from Jesse. Walt confronts Gus with the fact that he cannot be killed, or Jesse would no longer cook, but both know this is probably a temporary situation. Gus also warns Walt that he is going to deal with Hank, and if Walt interferes, Gus will kill his family.
Walt goes directly to Saul and gets the number of the guy who can disappear him and his family. This will cost half a million. Walt also asks Saul to anonymously tip-off the DEA that Hank is about to be assassinated. When Walt returns home to get the required funds, he finds there is not enough. Skyler explains it is because the money was given to Ted. This sends Walt into a panic attack / nervous breakdown. While Walt is laughing in agony, Marie is leaving a message about Hank being targeted by the cartel.
This is once again a top-shelf episode, with everything coming to a head.
Breaking Bad Quotes
Jesse (standing over Mike): This man needs help!
Doctor (working on Gus): This man pays my salary.
Gus: You did well down here. And you also proved a point. I think you can run the lab by yourself now. Don’t you?
Jesse: Let Mr. White go. Pay him off, or fire him, but don’t kill him.
Gus: You know that won’t work.
Jesse: Then you got a problem.
Gus: You are done! Fired! Do not show your face at the laundry again. Stay away from Pinkman. Do not go near him – ever. Are you listening to me?
Walt: Or else you’ll what?
Gus: What did you say?
Walt: Stay away from Pinkman, or else you’ll do – what? Kill me? If you could kill me, I’d already be dead. But you can’t. You can’t kill me. Because Jesse wouldn’t cook for you if you did. That’s it, isn’t it? No matter how hard you try to turn him against me, to screw with his head so he would hate my guts, and he still won’t let you do it.
Gus: For now. But he’ll come around. In the meantime, there’s the matter of your brother-in-law. He is a problem you promised to resolve. You have failed. Now it’s left to me to deal with him.
Walt: You can’t –
Gus: If you try to interfere, this becomes a much simpler matter. I will kill your wife. I will kill your son. I will kill your infant daughter.
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