Summary and Spoilers
The episode starts with an unseen person dripping blood onto their hush puppy shoes. This has happened sometime in the future – in the next scene, we flash back to see that those are Walt’s shoes, showing up to take Hank back to Pollos Hermanos. Walt retrieves the tracker while a new non-Mike spy looks on from a parked car. Hank is disappointed that the Tracker just shows Gus driving from home to the restaurant and back again.
When the same spy guy is parked outside Hank’s house, Walt drives up to him and calls the cops right in front of the guy. Much later, Mike warns Walt that the next time he does that, he will end up in a barrel.
Outside the lab, Walt bums a cigarette from Jesse and makes small talk until Jesse swears that he will do ‘it’.
Skyler calls Walt to tell him that she will soon be turning profits at the car wash, and to ask him again to start thinking of an exit strategy. Skyler spends part of her day dealing with real customers, and fills in her spare time by fabricating hundreds of receipts for non-existent ones. These receipts will be used to launder Walt’s cash. She is interrupted by Ted, who is being audited. Skyler is appalled that her name and signature are on all the documents and she fears that this will lead the IRS/CID to investigate her as well.
Hank has found the major distribution point for Pollos Hermanos legal and illegal inventory, and asks Walt to drive him there. Walt says he is sick and cannot go, but when Hank says he will get someone else to drive him, Walt says he really wants to be part of it and asks Hank to wait a day or two until he is feeling better. Hank is reluctant but agrees. Walt immediately phones Mike to tell him this news.
Hank’s discovery prompts Gus and Mike to task Jesse and others to cleanse and move the whole operation ‘elsewhere’. Their work is interrupted by an attack from a cartel sniper that kills one of Gus’s men. Jesse freezes in the headlights and is saved by Mike. Gus walks into the gunfire with arms outstretched, signaling that the fight is over. Soon after, Gus rings the cartel and says his answer has changed to ‘yes’. This means that he will surrender half of his business. He also entertains Jesse at home where, after cooking a home-made meal for him, asks if he can cook Walt’s formula. When Jesse replies in the affirmative, Gus asks Jesse to go to Mexico and teach the cartel chemists how to cook.
Mike and Jesse arrive at the lab with the sniper’s victim. He will be disposed of there. Walt complains and Mike quickly tells him to shut up.
Skyler bursts in on Ted’s audit, all cleavage-y and dumb blonde-y, and saves the day by acting like she was responsible for all the mistakes but that she thought she was doing the right thing. This simplifies the charge from criminal to mere negligence. Now all Ted has to do to avoid prison is to come up with about 700 thousand dollars. The simple solution is for Skyler to use some of Walt’s booty.
Jesse invites Walt over to tell him about Gus’s plan, and to ask for help. However, Walt has his own agenda. He has attached a tracker to Jesse’s car and has been tracking his movement – and he knows that he spent more than two hours at Gus’s house. Walt confronts Jesse about why he has not killed Gus. Jesse counters that Walt has been spying on him. An all-out brutal fight ensues, with both men getting smashed but with Walt definitely the loser. When it finishes, Jesse tells Walt to leave and never return.
Breaking Bad Quotes
Hank: What’s the play here, buddy? How do I get this guy?
Walt: Yeah…how.
Jesse: Look, I said…I’d do it. I’ll do it.
Walt: Yeah, well…what does it matter? We’re both dead men anyway.
Skyler: All of this is to say, maybe you could start thinking about an exit strategy.
Walt: I’m working on it.
"I can’t have this in my life – I cannot be audited."
- Skyler to Ted
"Next time don’t stand there like an idiot – move your feet – run and so forth."
- Mike to Jesse after saving his life
Gus: I have invited you into my home - prepared food, so we could sit and talk - discuss what’s going on in this business - our business – like men. And I will explain everything that’s happening. I will answer your questions. But first…I need you to answer one question for me: can you cook Walter’s formula?
Jesse: What?
Gus: Walter’s formula. Can you produce his product – without any help, alone?
Jesse: No….Why? You’re asking me if I can cook Mr. White’s crystal? Without him? Me? The junkie loser you were about to waste and dump in the desert a month ago? This your plan, huh? Invite me in your house – make whatever this is? Be my buddy and…and make me feel important? Then get me to keep cooking for you, after you kill Mr. White. You wanna – you wanna talk like men? Let’s talk like men! You kill Mr. White – you’re gonna have to kill me too!
Gus: That…is not what I asked you. You are here because circumstances with the cartel are untenable. And I need your help. I need you to help prevent an all-out war. Now…if you would…answer the question.
"I mean, I’m supposed to go to Mexico and, and teach a bunch of cartel chemists how to cook a batch of blue!"
- Jesse to Walt
Jesse: Can you walk?
Walt: Yeah.
Jesse: Then get the fuck outta here and never come back!
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