Summary and Spoilers
Skyler and baby are being taken in by Federal Agents under the umbrella of Hank’s protective custody, but Walt refuses to go. He feels he is the target and it will be safer for them if he simply deals with his punishment. And so Walt waits, twirling his gun. I’m a little confused because I thought Walt’s life was not in jeopardy. Hank, yes, but as long as Walt does not make any waves, I thought he was safe. Marie seems to feel differently, as does Walt Jr. Marie tries to call Walt, but he does not answer.
Hank has pieced together his death threat is tied to his investigation of Fring, and goads Gomez to follow it up by walking and talking at the laundry in lieu of a search warrant. Gomez convinces the laundry manager to allow him, one other cop, and a sniffer dog to look around. Jesse watches from downstairs on the security camera. Gus calls to point out that this situation was caused by Walt and that he needs to be eliminated. Jesse refuses to sign off on Walt’s death; Gus replies that there will be "…an appropriate response."
Saul has been messaging Jesse all day to come by and collect his money – as Saul is leaving town. Saul tells Jesse about Gus’s ultimatum to Walt – about the death threats against his family.
Skyler looks over Hank’s shoulder as he scans the clean images from the laundry – there’s nothing there that is suspicious. She tries to call Walt again but just gets the machine. She goes outside, bums a cigarette off one of the agents, and broods.
Jesse finds out that Andrea’s son Brock is very ill, then is shocked to discover that his tainted cigarette is missing. In a panic, he leaves the information about ricin with Andrea, and rushes to see Walt. Jesse is out of control. He has convinced himself that Walt poisoned Brock, and he is ready to kill Walt without proof. But Walt has pieced together a different theory – that Gus poisoned Brock as a way of getting Jesse to kill Walt. Against the odds, Walt convinces Jesse to spare his life, and then they agree to find a way to kill Gus together.
Jesse returns to the hospital and refuses to leave, even when Tyrus tries to bully him. Things are escalating now. I think we all know that Gus will not tolerate anything that will endanger his operation. Certainly, Walt and Jesse do – this is all part of their plan. While Jesse is causing trouble, Walt is working on some kind of electronic device.
Gus visits the hospital and demands that Jesse return, but Jesse holds form. When Gus learns that the boy was poisoned, he changes heart and tells Jesse to return to cooking next week.
As Walt watches from a nearby rooftop, Gus and bodyguards walk back to the car. Walt is ready to pull the trigger, but Gus suddenly stops short of the vehicle and carefully surveys the surrounding building. Lizard-like, he has somehow picked up on the threatening vibe. Suddenly, he reverses and heads back the way he came, leaving a dejected Walt to ponder his next move.
Breaking Bad Quotes
"I have lived under the threat of death for a year now, and because of that, I’ve made choices – listen to me. I alone should suffer the consequences of those choices – no one else. And those consequences – they’re coming. No more prolonging the inevitable."
- Walt to Skyler
Saul: Take a break, HT, let’s go.
HT: You’re gonna stop calling me that, or I’m gonna hang you by your tie.
Saul: Yeah, yeah, stop showing off for the client. Honey Tits! I say it’s endearing.
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