Summary and Spoilers
Skyler has bought Walt Jr. a safer car and Walt Jr. is underwhelmed. He drives over to Walt’s place, where his dad is in pain and in bed, and is not answering any of Skyler’s calls. When he also does not answer any of Walt Jr.’s calls, and Junior threatens to call 911, Walt lets his son in and allows him to see his beaten face. This Walt attributes this to gambling, but midway through the lie, he loses it and sobs uncontrollably. Junior puts dad to bed, but not before Walt addresses him as ‘Jesse’. Walt later covers this up by blaming painkillers and alcohol. But although he covers this up, he reveals much about his relationship with his own father.
Saul meets with Ted to tell him that an unknown aunt passed away in Luxembourg and left him 600 thousand dollars and change. Of course, this money is being supplied by Skyler.
Mike, Gus, and Jesse are spirited away on a cartel plane, then blindfolded and driven to a Mexican meth lab. The blindfolds are removed, and it’s time for The Reluctant Chemist to show the cartel that he can cook. Jesse may not know how to make phentlacetic acid, but he knows how to take control of a situation.
The real Jesse is a tremendous success with his first cook, then finds out that he is expected to stay and continue running the cook operation in Mexico.
Skyler freaks when Saul tells her that Ted leased a fully loaded Mercedes just after receiving his windfall. She visits Ted and tries to pressure him into using the money to pay his taxes, but he has his own plans and his priorities. When he does not fold, she does the unthinkable – she tells him that she gave him the money, not his Great Aunt Birgette.
It’s time for Jesse to find out if he is coming home or staying on in Mexico to cook ‘forever’. First, there is a long ass-kissing session between Gus and Don Eladio. But Gus has gifted the gang poisoned liquor, and he kills them all – while conveniently throwing up enough of the poison to save his own life.
Memorable Moments
Well, that final scene is amazing – puts The Godfather to shame. Perhaps I am exaggerating a little – but it was great.
Breaking Bad Quotes
Cartel Chemist: Who do you think you are?
Jesse: I’m the guy your boss brought here to show you how it’s done. And if this is how you run your lab, no wonder! You’re lucky he hasn’t fired your ass! Now if you don’t want that to happen, I suggest you stop whining like a little bitch, and do what I say!
Walt: But the only thing I can remember is…him breathing. Ah, there’s - this, this…this…rattling sound like if you shaking an empty spray paint can…you know…like there was nothing in him. Anyway – that is the only real memory that I have of my father. I don’t want you to think of me the way I was last night. I don’t want that to be the memory you have of me when I’m gone.
Walt Jr.: Remembering you that way…wouldn’t be so bad. The bad way to remember you would be the way – the way you’ve been this whole last year. At least last night, you were – you were real…you know?
Gus: Don Eladio is dead! His capos are dead! You have no one left to fight for! Fill your pockets and leave in peace. Or fight me and die!
Mike: I hope to hell that works!
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